Private Label Revenue Group Related Product/Email Marketing System

CodeIgniter, e-Commerce 07/2012 - 09/2012
Technologies: PHP 5, MySQL, CodeIgniter, DataMapper ORM, jQuery, Magento API, API integration
Dates: 04/2009 - 10/2012

This system was developed for Private Label Revnue Group, however, as of this moment it is not in production yet. The system is designed to connect merchants by way of marketing each others related products. The system supports three distinct access levels:

  1. system administrators, who have access to all aspects of the system
  2. providers, who provide services and products to merchants
  3. merchants, who include related products and services offered by their counterpart providers

The central system coordinates and manages all activities between the provider and merchant and in essence behaves like an operating system of sorts. It integrates with the providers' e-commerce platform and email marketing service, so it does not perform actions of either - only coordinates and triggers actions on each. Currently only adapters for Magento and are provided, but the system is designed to be '3rd party service' agnostic in that respect.